The Risk Of Depressants

Depressants – also known as “downers” – “come in multicolored tablets and capsules or in liquid form,” and are supposed to “reduce the symptoms of mental illness.” As a result, these are oftentimes prescribed for those who struggle with anxiety – and/or other stress-related disorders – in addition to difficult sleep disorders. In turn, since these types of drugs are known as “downers” they do the exact opposite of what “uppers” would do, by slowing down the functions of the body. An example of this can be seen in patients who experience high levels of anxiety, as the prescribed depressant can help in the slowing down of brain activity. 

However, what many fail to realize is just how much of a problem this can be for those who are addicted to them. Not only that but when many think of depressants their minds automatically redirect them to pills, rather than to alcohol. This is due to the fact that some may be unaware that alcohol is a depressant, or they may not think of it as one since it is so common within today’s society. In turn, this can be cause for it to slip right over their heads. In fact, “Alcohol is classified as a Central Nervous System depressant, meaning that it slows down brain functioning and neural activity.” 

Consequently, this can be just as dangerous as “uppers” because while stimulants can increase heart rate, “downers” can slow it all the same. Therefore, it’s important that those addicted to depressants get the help that they need earlier rather than later. For some of the short term effects are listed as follows; “fatigue, slowed pulse and breathing, fever, lowered blood pressure,” etc. Now even though these symptoms are short term they can worsen with time as the individual continues to use the depressant. 

Another myth that many may still view as fact is that depressants slow down one’s functions so that he/she has little to no energy? But that’s wrong. For depressants such as alcohol provide “those associated with immediate bursts of energy after a sip.” Yet even in doing so, “the user’s vital functions inevitably slow down.” In conclusion, no matter whether the depressant comes in pill form or liquid form, it is important that the addict rids the substance from his/her life. It is only then that he/she can save himself/herself from the risk of injury, or death. He/she can then live an addiction-free life without the harsh effects of substance abuse. 

Drinking Habits In UK Women

While some prefer staying indoors, others prefer “a night on the town”-no matter whether it comes in the form of the bar, club, or to a sports grill for half priced drinks and appetizers. Consequently, it makes little difference where one goes because even the non-drinkers will find themselves surrounded by liquor through something as simple as picking up a menu. Or even seeing back-to-back ads on cheap beer. But, what happens when trying something new leads to one drink too many, and one night out turns into every night out, as one stumbles home from the bar in a drunken stouper at two a.m. for the fifth time in that week.

Sadly, when one begins to drink in excess it begins to not only affect themselves, but the lives of those around them, as unfortunate accidents begin to take place. In an article by The Telegraph from 2018 titled, “British women now among top drinkers in the world,” we see how much of an impact drinking has made not only on the UK as a whole, but certain demographics, such as gender. In the piece, one passage reads, “One study found women with a university degree are twice as likely to be problem drinkers, compared with those with less education.”

In turn, this goes to show how much of a significance that certain factors have on individuals especially if they are impacting them in a stressful way, rather than benefiting them. Some of these factors could be related to their career, education/school, family, trauma, and/or other situations and circumstances that may be affecting them in a negative way. It is then that they find their mental, emotional, and physical well being in jeopardy, as through alcohol, no matter the brand.  

In fact, according to the same article as stated previously, “Few countries saw trends similar to those in the UK, though in Sweden, women are drinking more than men, with 3.1 drinks a day for women, compared with 2.7 for men.” These statistics are alarming but something that individuals who suffer from alcoholism can fix. However, in order to do such they must eliminate binge drinking from the source by first gaining a deeper understand of themselves by asking one of the most important questions of why do they drink? What triggers them to act in unhealthy drinking habits? In doing so, they can begin their journey on the road to recovery a whole lot better, and regain their life back.   turn to substance abuse in response to the problems that they may be facing in that of their personal lives.

In conclusion, research shows just how much alcoholism is taking a toll on that of the UK, not just in that of the male gender, or a specific age group, but in woman as well, no matter the age. It is through these studies that one can better understand what is taking place within bars, clubs, etc. as an increase in alcohol begins to take over at an accelerated rate. As a result, it is with this information than one can further his/her knowledge, and understand how to help, rather than to isolate those who are struggling with addiction.

Alcoholism in the United Kingdom

UK alcoholismAlcoholism is a prevalent condition in the United Kingdom. UK citizens and residents have embraced a culture of alcohol consumption unlike most of the world has ever known. In the United Kingdom, alcohol consumption is far more socially acceptable than in the rest of the western world. It dates back many centuries to when Anglo Saxon ethnicity was just beginning to rise in power and enormous revelries made of food and alcohol and debauchery were customary in celebrating victories and special occasions, as well as in preparing for conflict. In modern times, however, what was a more noble convention has evolved into complete recklessness, with alcoholism at an all time high.

The cases of alcoholism within the United Kingdom in recent years have sky-rocketed within recent generations. Cases of alcoholism used to be more selective, but the latest harmful alcohol trend to come out of the UK is that of young alcoholics. The party mentality is so prevalent in the UK that younger and younger people are being diagnosed with alcoholism and liver problems. Deaths due to alcohol poisoning are among the highest in the world in the UK. Rehabilitation centers and addiction treatment facilities are overflowing with clients. Clearly, the cultural trend of drinking has taken a turn for the worse in the UK and needs to be brought under control.

There is a great deal of attention being placed on the UK’s drinking problems in the media in recent times. There has been a call to action for people within the UK and outside of it for change. Many cultural problems are resulting from the immersion in alcohol consumption that the UK is in, such as a strain on police and emergency resources who respond to incidents of intoxication and alcohol poisoning, unsafe roads due to drunk driving problems, and in general, a less functional society that is not as productive and healthy as it should be in a number of ways. A major cultural shift is needed in order to get the United Kingdom sober, healthy and functional once again.

Alcohol Culture in the United Kingdom

UK alcohol cultureAlcohol is its own culture and way of life in the United Kingdom, so much so that other cultures, even ones that do not have that much exposure to the outside world, know of the United Kingdom’s reputation for alcohol consumption. Alcohol is a deeply ingrained tradition in the United Kingdom’s history and overtime it translated into the modern day phenomenon that it is now. For the average resident of the United Kingdom, alcohol consumption is simply a way of life, and few of them question it.

People in the United Kingdom learn early in life that pubs are a happening scene. Pubs are by far the most social venues in the United Kingdom. They are in many other countries and regions as well, but the people of the United Kingdom take it to a whole new level. Far more events are held in pubs drinking, or held at venues that serve alcohol, than in other countries or regions. People join in on the culture of drinking in the United Kingdom in order to be social. People naturally gravitate toward the most lively haunts, and in the case of the United Kingdom, this is overwhelmingly in pubs, drinking socially.

In the United Kingdom, alcohol is the primary expression of celebration and joy. It is a cultural instinct for people from the United Kingdom to include alcohol in all revelries, such as parties, graduations, sporting events, major milestones and many other special occasions. Alcohol is also frequently consumed by residents of the United Kingdom simply as a pass time and a means of being social. Alcohol consumption is more socially acceptable in the United Kingdom than in other places. This, in itself, is not problematic. How much alcohol people consume in a certain region is determined by their cultural practices. However, more cases of alcoholism, health problems and liver failure have also been observed within the United Kingdom than in most other countries, which would indicate that the United Kingdom’s cultural embrace of alcohol may be unhealthy on a large scale.

Ending Drunk Driving in the United Kingdom

intoxicated driving United KingdomMeasures are being proposed in the United Kingdom to bring the drunk driving problem under control. There is still a long road ahead of the United Kingdom before the problem will no longer be an epidemic, but the government and its affiliated health organizations are implementing positive strategies that aim to make the roads of the United Kingdom a safer place to drive. The primary initiatives include but are not limited to the following:

  • The integration of new laws. It is well recognized that when people perpetually break a law, it means they do not have a great deal of respect for it. By creating harsher legislation to penalize drunk driving, there is more incentive for people to find an alternative way of commuting other than driving. The United Kingdom is attempting to model its drunk driving laws after other countries that have had success with their DUI laws, such as the United States and Canada.
  • Strong enforcement of these new laws is vital to ensuring that they are taken seriously. Drunk driving laws are enforced by an increased police presence during common drunk driving hours as well as random check stops along popular drunk driver commute routes. Every jurisdiction that has tightened up their drunk driving laws, publicly campaigned for them and properly enforced them has seen a significant decrease in the number of drunk driving charges.
  • It is only logical to take measures that aim at reducing alcoholism and substance abuse, which is the root cause of drunk driving problems. Every case of drunk driving is an instance of alcohol abuse. This means that the United Kingdom needs to increase the presence of addiction, substance abuse and alcoholism treatment in the form of counseling and rehab, as well as local community resources such as support groups and shelters.
  • It is important that all of these new measures be properly communicated to the public. This is its own kind of campaign and effort. Information needs to be distributed through the media and through public bulletins making citizens aware that changes to laws and local resources have been made. This way the public can implement change into their own thinking as well.

Alcohol Consumption in the United Kingdom

United Kingdom alcoholismThere is hardly any other society in the world that has stronger associations with alcohol consumption than the United Kingdom does. The British, Scottish, Welsh and some of the Irish make up the United Kingdom, and together they have created a reputation for themselves around the world for excessive alcohol consumption. While this may not necessarily be something to be proud of, it is certainly an old part of their culture. The countries within the United Kingdom have been drinking for millenniums, sometimes in moderation and sometimes in excess, but alcohol has always been present.

The United Kingdom’s history with alcohol is a rich one. Beer containers that date back over 10,000 years have been discovered by archaeologists, indicating that alcohol consumption has been present in the United Kingdom’s culture for a very long time. We know that a number of ancient societies drank alcohol more than they drank water because the drinking water was unclean. The United Kingdom’s alcohol traditions are also heavily tied to their wars, battles and revelries over the centuries. They evolved from societies that were known for having alcohol feasts in celebration of victories. During the Roman Invasion, wine became a staple in the United Kingdom and different cultures emerged over different alcohols.

There have always been two different natures to the United Kingdom’s relationship with alcohol. The elite drank in moderation while the populous drank in excess. Sometimes these roles were reversed, but generally speaking, one can see this culture present in modern times as well. With few exceptions, the high society of the United Kingdom continues to drink in moderation, but the working class is more out of control with their alcohol intake than ever before in history. There are a few plausible reasons for this.

Only several decades ago saw the official fall of British Imperialism with the apartheid in British colonial societies coming to an end. Great Britain was essentially demoted as a world power, which shook its collective confidence in its world standing. This was the culmination of several centuries of Great Britain losing its standing as the chief world power. This statistically causes depression and anxiety within a culture, which statistically prompts people to drink heavier. Alcohol is much stronger than it used to be in the past, so a culture with a long history of alcoholism is only going to find itself more plagued by alcoholism. Combine these factors with the gloomy weather and lack of vitamin D in the United Kingdom and you have the perfect recipe for out of control alcoholism.

Driving While Intoxicated in the United Kingdom

United Kingdom drunk drivingDrunk driving in the United Kingdom has historically been a major problem. This region of the world has a reputation for alcoholism and substance abuse problems, and this epidemic is transferred onto the road safety statistics of the region. In recent years, there has been an outcry for a stronger enforcement of sober driving, as well as a stronger alcoholism treatment network in the United Kingdom. The tourism industry has even felt the effects of the drunk driving problems in the UK as tourists express concerns over driving on the same roads that other drivers, who are obviously intoxicated, are driving on. Advancements are slowly being made to end drunk driving charges and reduce road fatalities. Currently, the challenges that law enforcement, government and health organizations face is illustrated in the statistics below:

  • In the United Kingdom, approximately 85-percent of drunk driving charges are issued to men. Women are much less likely to drive drunk.
  • Currently, there are approximately 92,000 drunk driving charges issued per year in the United Kingdom, which is an improvement on the drunk driving crisis of the 1980’s that resulted in nearly 120,000 drunk driving charges per year.
  • Currently, there are approximately 22,500 drunk driving fatalities that take place in the United Kingdom annually. This is an immense improvement on the 37,500 fatalities that were caused by drunk driving in the latter part of the 1980’s. Although there is still a great deal of fatalities to eliminate, this does show gradual improvement.

Progress is being made, however, the people living within the United Kingdom and those visiting it have naturally expressed safety concerns over vehicle travel. The government and its health organizations are responding with initiatives to come up with harsher drunk driving laws, diligently enforce said laws, make alcohol less available for sale and offer more in the way of alcohol addiction treatment. New legislation and health initiatives are currently being drawn up and tested to combat this lethal and pervasive problem of drunk driving in the United Kingdom.

Are the Roads in the United Kingdom Safe?

United Kingdom safe roadsThe world is becoming familiar with the problem of alcoholism in the United Kingdom. This region is known for its strong draw to alcohol through culture and tradition, and with the music and party scene stronger than ever in the United Kingdom, the problem of alcoholism is steadily increasing. It is estimated that drunk driving is responsible for as much as 40-percent of all road deaths around the globe. Considering the United Kingdom’s drinking culture, driving through the area is a legitimate concern. Are the roads in the United Kingdom even considered safe to drive?

Fortunately, alcohol related road deaths in the United Kingdom have been on the decline over the last several decades. In the late 1980’s, the United Kingdom was experiencing a crisis of drunk driving charges that totaled nearly 115,000 per year between England, Wales and Scotland. Presently, the numbers are closer to 93,000 per year, which is not a drastic decrease but a slight alleviation of the problem. The number of fatalities over the same span of years has decreased at a much more drastic rate. In 1988, there were 38,000 documented drunk driving fatalities, while in the present day, the number is closer to 22,000. 90-percent of drunk driving charges are given to males.

While it is encouraging that drunk driving statistics in the United Kingdom have stopped rising, the charges and fatalities on the roads of the region are still shocking. Much of the drunk driving issue is blamed on the ever-present drinking culture that exists in England, Wales and Scotland. Alcohol rehabs and treatment centers of the United Kingdom are making an effort to reach out to alcoholics so that they can be connected to necessary treatment, but there is still much change that needs to take place. If you are a person struggling with alcoholism in the United Kingdom, know that there are numerous treatment options available to you and addiction experts eager to help you to the road of recovery.

Alcoholics in the United Kingdom should seek addiction treatment without hesitation. There are a number of rehabilitation facilities located in London, Birmingham and Leeds. Many United Kingdom residents even choose to travel outside of the U.K. for addiction treatment. In the United States, world class rehabs can be found in New York, Los Angeles and Miami. In Canada, treatment is available for addiction in Edmonton, Vancouver and Montreal.