While some prefer staying indoors, others prefer “a night on the town”-no matter whether it comes in the form of the bar, club, or to a sports grill for half priced drinks and appetizers. Consequently, it makes little difference where one goes because even the non-drinkers will find themselves surrounded by liquor through something as simple as picking up a menu. Or even seeing back-to-back ads on cheap beer. But, what happens when trying something new leads to one drink too many, and one night out turns into every night out, as one stumbles home from the bar in a drunken stouper at two a.m. for the fifth time in that week.
Sadly, when one begins to drink in excess it begins to not only affect themselves, but the lives of those around them, as unfortunate accidents begin to take place. In an article by The Telegraph from 2018 titled, “British women now among top drinkers in the world,” we see how much of an impact drinking has made not only on the UK as a whole, but certain demographics, such as gender. In the piece, one passage reads, “One study found women with a university degree are twice as likely to be problem drinkers, compared with those with less education.”
In turn, this goes to show how much of a significance that certain factors have on individuals especially if they are impacting them in a stressful way, rather than benefiting them. Some of these factors could be related to their career, education/school, family, trauma, and/or other situations and circumstances that may be affecting them in a negative way. It is then that they find their mental, emotional, and physical well being in jeopardy, as through alcohol, no matter the brand.
In fact, according to the same article as stated previously, “Few countries saw trends similar to those in the UK, though in Sweden, women are drinking more than men, with 3.1 drinks a day for women, compared with 2.7 for men.” These statistics are alarming but something that individuals who suffer from alcoholism can fix. However, in order to do such they must eliminate binge drinking from the source by first gaining a deeper understand of themselves by asking one of the most important questions of why do they drink? What triggers them to act in unhealthy drinking habits? In doing so, they can begin their journey on the road to recovery a whole lot better, and regain their life back. turn to substance abuse in response to the problems that they may be facing in that of their personal lives.
In conclusion, research shows just how much alcoholism is taking a toll on that of the UK, not just in that of the male gender, or a specific age group, but in woman as well, no matter the age. It is through these studies that one can better understand what is taking place within bars, clubs, etc. as an increase in alcohol begins to take over at an accelerated rate. As a result, it is with this information than one can further his/her knowledge, and understand how to help, rather than to isolate those who are struggling with addiction.